Nelegālā migrācija drošības nodrošināšanas kontekstā

Translated title of the contribution: Illegal Migration in the Context of Ensuring the Security

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    Sociāli politiskā un ekonomiskā situācija migrantu izcelsmes valstīs ir izteikti nelabvēlīga, un tas ietekmē nekontrolējamu bēgļu un migrantu pieplūdumu Eiropas Savienības valstīs. ES ārējās robežas nav pietiekami nostiprinātas un drošas. Bēgļu un migrantu izvietošanas punkti lielākoties nav nodrošināti ar nepieciešamajiem resursiem sociālās palīdzības sniegšanā. Migrantu vēlmes kļūt materiāli nodrošinātiem, pilnīgi neatkarīgiem jaunajās, drošajās trešajās valstīs netiek piepildītas. Tas determinē sociālās spriedzes eskalāciju, konfliktu veidošanos starp patvēruma meklētājiem un trešo (Eiropas) valstu iedzīvotājiem. Konflikti pāraug sabiedriskās kārtības pārkāpumos un krimināla rakstura aktivitātēs. Samazinās nacionālā un starptautiskā drošība, kas ir saistīta ar strauju migrantu pieplūdumu Eiropā. Unfavourable socio-economic situation of migrants in countries of origin causes a considerable and regular flow of migrants to the EU. Only some migrants try to become financially self-sufficient and socially integrated. Most of them try to get social protection and fully preserve national and religious identity. It may result in the growth of social tensions, conflicts between migrants and residents of countries where they receive shelter. Uncontrolled migration leads to a breach of public order and criminal activity at the national level. It is also represents a threat to international security. Presently, there are certain contradictions between the objective need for new workforce and the ability of socio-economic system to absorb a large number of migrants in Europe. Therefore, there is a need for a regular prognostication of migration risks and the development of methods, which will enable the migration management. Legal and institutional support for migration policies in Europe does not provide a prompt and effective migration management. Which emphasises the necessity of their improvement, especially taking into account the fact that Europe needs migrants to cope with the shortage of manpower and correct the demographic situation in general.
    Translated title of the contributionIllegal Migration in the Context of Ensuring the Security
    Original languageLatvian
    Pages (from-to)36-45
    Number of pages10
    Issue number4
    Publication statusPublished - 2016


    • globalization
    • illegal migration
    • migration
    • security

    Field of Science*

    • 5.5 Law

    Publication Type*

    • 1.2. Scientific article included in INT1 or INT2 category journal of ERIH database


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