Optical system of handheld dermatoscope

Translated title of the contribution: Rokas dermatoskopa optiskā sistēma

Eduards Princevs (Inventor), Andra Dērveniece (Inventor), Ilona Hartmane (Inventor), Ingmārs Mikažāns (Inventor), Olga Princeva (Inventor), Juris Dērvenieks (Inventor)

Research output: Intellectual propertyPatent


The invention refers to the development of the instrumental medical technique, more precisely, to structure of optical system of handheld device manual dermatoscope, that allows to identify the causative agent of mycotic skin disease
in the primary investigation phase. A novel construction of optical system of manual dermatoscope has been offered, implying a lens (1) of 10 times optical
amplification, two light emitting diodes (2a; 2b), 2 pieces of light‑transmitting glass (3a; 3b) and 2 filters for non‑polarised light in wavelength diapason of 365 nm and 398 nm (4a; 4b). Applying the novel optical system, it is possible to detect precisely the infection caused by pathogenic fungi Microsporum and Trichophyton in human skin within 1 minute time duration.
Translated title of the contributionRokas dermatoskopa optiskā sistēma
Original languageLatvian
Patent number15372
Priority date11/12/17
Filing date11/12/17
Publication statusPublished - 20 Oct 2019


  • handheld device manual dermatoscope

Field of Science*

  • 3.2 Clinical medicine

Patent expiration date

  • 01.07.2022


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