Pedagogical digital competence can be characterised as an opportunity to improve the pedagogical process by using digital technologies in professional activities (From, 2017). In 2017, the European Commission presented a model of pedagogical digital competence, viewing teacher professional pedagogical competence, as well as demonstrating their impact and developing students’ digital literacy (Redecker, 2017). The aim of this study is to research pedagogical digital competence and its planned acquisition in one teacher professional bachelor study programme.
As a result of the analysis of the theoretical literature, the concept of digital literacy and pedagogical competence was defined, and the understanding of pedagogical digital competence was provided. The empirical research looked at 1553 learning outcomes advertised in 201 course descriptions of one teacher professional bachelor study programme and analysed them from the perspective of pedagogical digital competence. As a result of the study, a concept-model of pedagogical digital competence was developed.
As a result of the analysis of the theoretical literature, the concept of digital literacy and pedagogical competence was defined, and the understanding of pedagogical digital competence was provided. The empirical research looked at 1553 learning outcomes advertised in 201 course descriptions of one teacher professional bachelor study programme and analysed them from the perspective of pedagogical digital competence. As a result of the study, a concept-model of pedagogical digital competence was developed.
Conference | 79th International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia |
Abbreviated title | LU |
Country/Territory | Latvia |
City | Riga |
Period | 21/01/21 → 24/04/21 |
Other | Latvijas Universitātes 79. Starptautiskā zinātniskā konference Sekcija "Latvijas tautsaimniecības potenciāla saglabāšana un konkurētspējas pieauguma veicināšana pēc pandēmijas krīzes" 04.03.2021. |
Internet address |
- concept-model
- digital literacy
- pedagogical competence
- pedagogical digital competence
- teacher education
Field of Science*
- 5.3 Educational sciences
Publication Type*
- 3.2. Articles or chapters in other proceedings other than those included in 3.1., with an ISBN or ISSN code