Policistisko olnīcu sindroms pusaudzēm – starppaaudžu, ģenētiskie, dzīves kvalitātes un negausīgas ēšanas aspekti

Translated title of the contribution: Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome in Adolescents – Intergenerational, Genetic, Quality of Life and Binge Eating Aspects

Lāsma Līdaka

Research output: Types of ThesisDoctoral Thesis


Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most common endocrinopathy in women, affecting 4.8 % to 18.6 % of women of reproductive age. Between 10 and 19 years of age, PCOS occurs in 3.39 % to 8.03 % of adolescents. Confirmation of diagnosis in adolescent age is difficult because manifestations of PCOS are similar to normal puberty signs (e. g., irregular menstrual cycle, acne, etc.). New evidence-based guidelines have been issued in 2018 highlighting the diagnostic criteria for establishing PCOS diagnosis in adolescents. These guidelines also recommend a separate identification of risk group patients – adolescent patients for whom both diagnostic PCOS criteria have not yet been confirmed and who should continue to be monitored. It is important to diagnose this disease as early as possible in order to initiate lifestyle adjustments and possibly also begin treatment in a timely manner.In the long term, PCOS increases the risk of developing infertility and type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome. Increased body weight occurring in 40–70 % of adolescents with PCOS significantly increases the risk of chronic non-communicable diseases at a later stage, and maintains PCOS symptoms. PCOS and associated symptoms reduce health-related quality of life (HRQOL). Binge eating is more common in patients with PCOS. The most effective tactics of therapy are lifestyle changes, so it is particularly important to recognise patients at increased risk of developing PCOS, to diagnose them early and to offer treatment that is most relevant to the needs of the individual and improves their quality of life.The aim of the doctoral thesis is to explore intergenerational, genetic, quality of life and binge eating aspects in teenagers with PCOS.The study contains several sections. To evaluate the intergenerational bond, 57 teenagers with PCOS and their mothers were included in Section I. The section studies the relationship between patients with PCOS and their mothers. In addition to PCOS patients, Section II also includes healthy adolescent patients and patients at risk. The role of the most common variation of protein-coding genes involved in the activity of the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Ovarian axis (FSHR, ESR2, LHCGR, GNRHR) in PCOS development and in the PCOS clinical presentation was studied by including 63 adolescents with a diagnosis of PCOS, 67 healthy control patients and 22 patients at risk. The role of CYP21A2 gene variations in PCOS development and clinical phenotype was established in 55 PCOS patients, 49 control patients and 23 patients at risk. Additionally, components of HRQOL, binge eating and factors affecting the total HRQOL were analysed in 63 PCOS patients and 66 control patients. The study concluded that it was not possible to predict clinical symptoms associated with PCOS in adolescents based on PCOS symptoms in their mothers. The role of protein-coding gene variations that are involved in the functioning of sex hormones was also not found, in regard to PCOS development. However, it was found that the homozygous minor allele carriers within variations of specific genes (ESR2 rs4986938 and LHCGR rs2293275) had a higher total testosterone level in blood than patients who were not carriers of these alleles. The most important components that affected HRQOL in adolescents with PCOS were the diagnosis of PCOS as such, the degree of binge eating, and the percentile of the body mass index. At the same time, HRQOL was most affected by concerns about body hair and body weight. There was no difference in the frequency of binge eating between PCOS patients and adolescent control group patients.In this study, no link was found between the diagnosis of PCOS or associated symptoms in mothers and the phenotype of adolescents with PCOS. Individual alleles have been associated with the clinical presentation of PCOS. There is a better understanding of the components of HRQOL that affect PCOS the most and require particular attention in clinical practice. Further research with a larger sample-size is needed. Furthermore, longitudinal data on the population studied in this project would provide a more accurate insight into the development of the disease at a later age.
Translated title of the contributionPolycystic Ovarian Syndrome in Adolescents – Intergenerational, Genetic, Quality of Life and Binge Eating Aspects
Original languageLatvian
  • Lazdāne, Gunta, First/Primary/Lead supervisor
  • Gailīte, Linda, Second/Co-supervisor
  • Dzīvīte-Krišāne, Iveta, Consultant/Advisor
  • Ķīvīte-Urtāne, Anda, Consultant/Advisor
  • Stokenberga, Ieva, Consultant/Advisor, External person
Place of PublicationRīga
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2022


  • Doctoral Thesis
  • Sector – Clinical Medicine
  • Sub-Sector - Obstetrics and Gynecology
  • PCOS
  • adolescents
  • binge eating
  • genetics

Field of Science*

  • 3.2 Clinical medicine

Publication Type*

  • 4. Doctoral Thesis


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