Political Stability as a Main Factor for Simplicity, Neutrality and Stability of Trade

Giga Abuseridze

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Under present conditions, the commercial networks are expanding, not only by the increase of turnover, but also by the increase of the circle of business entities, organisations and enterprises. No doubt, the economic processes should be stable, simple and neutral. The article by G. Abuseridze, the young Georgian scientist of law, deals with the mentioned problem areas. Pašreizējos apstākļos paplašinās tirdzniecības tīkli, ne tik daudz pieaugot apgrozījumam, cik paplašinoties darījumu subjektu lokam, tajos iesaistītajām organizācijām un uzņēmumiem. Nenoliedzami, ekonomiskajiem procesiem būtu jābūt stabiliem, vienkāršiem un neitrāliem. Minētajam problēmu lokam savu rakstu ir veltījis Gruzijas jaunais tiesību zinātnieks G. Abuseridze.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)32-40
Number of pages9
Issue number7
Publication statusPublished - 2017


  • International Monetary Fund (IMF)
  • European Union
  • World Trade Organization

Field of Science*

  • 5.6 Political science
  • 5.2 Economy and Business
  • 5.5 Law

Publication Type*

  • 1.2. Scientific article included in INT1 or INT2 category journal of ERIH database


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