Predicting life satisfaction and psychological resilience: a multiple regression analysis of self-care strategies

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


Background. Self-care is an important resource for adults’ well-being when facing life challenges. The effectivity of self-care derives from congruence between its subjective importance and attainability. The study aimed to identify self-care strategies predicting psychological resilience and life satisfaction.
Methods. A quantitative cross-sectional survey was conducted in a sample of adults aged between 18 and 76 (N = 965; M = 42.83; SD = 13.13; 91% females, 9% males). Data were collected using the Self-Care Strategies Questionnaire (Mārtinsone, A., et al., 2022), Psychological Resilience Scale (Mārtinsone, K., & Perepjolkina, 2021), and a single-item question on self-assessment of life satisfaction. Descriptive statistics and multiple regression analyses were used to process data.
Results. 14 self-care strategies, totally 63 activities applied to personal and/or professional life, were investigated as predictors. Integrated scores of importance and attainability indicators of each self-care activity were used. The multiple regression model consisting of personal and professional life balance, health behaviour, drawing inspiration from nature, and time management, F (3, 960) = 58.62, p < .001, explained 19.3% of variance in the life satisfaction results. Psychological resilience was predicted by personal and professional life balance, health behaviour, professional development, care of one’s own well-being, being alone and in silence, and getting psychological and professional support, F (5, 958) = 55.27, p < .001. The model explained 25.3% of variance in the results.
Conclusion. Practicing self-care in congruence of its subjective importance and attainability predicts adults’ life satisfaction and psychological resilience. Thus, encouraging self-care practices can lead to enhanced individuals’ capacity to cope with life challenges.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 2023
Event2023 Singapore Conference on Applied Psychology: “Psychological Well-being” - Hybrid Event, Singapore, Singapore
Duration: 7 Dec 20238 Dec 2023


Conference2023 Singapore Conference on Applied Psychology
Abbreviated titleSCAP 2023
Internet address


  • life satisfaction
  • psychological resilience
  • self-care
  • self-care strategies

Field of Science*

  • 5.1 Psychology

Publication Type*

  • 3.4. Other publications in conference proceedings (including local)


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