The invention relates to the field of medicine, in particular, to the preparations that effectively reduce high glutamate level in blood. The preparations comprise selenium, preferably organic, in an amount of 0.1-0.2% wt., and vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) in an amount 5.0-10.0% wt. The preparation is well tolerated, has no side effects and contraindications.
Original language | English |
Patent number | WO2013039367 |
IPC | A61K31/095 |
Priority date | 15/09/11 |
Filing date | 1/02/12 |
Publication status | Published - 21 Mar 2013 |
- preparations that reduce high glutamate level in blood
Field of Science*
- 3.2 Clinical medicine
Patent expiration date
- 01.02.2015