Presence of amorphous masses is more common in dermatoscopically classical actinic keratosis than more advanced lesions

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Actinic keratosis (AK) is a common lesion on sun exposed sites of light skinned individuals and is a hallmark of cumulative sun damage. Meanwhile a histologic hallmark of cumulative UV damage is solar elastosis that when most prominent is seen as amorphous masses of degraded elastotic material.
Materials and methods.
To compare the presence of clinical and dermatoscopic signs of AK and intraepithelial carcinoma (IEC) with the presence of amorphous masses in histopathology we included 29 patients with the mean age of 78 years. Clinically, we counted presence of subjective symptoms, induration (papular AK), diameter larger than 1cm, rapid enlargement, bleeding, erythema, and ulceration. Dermatoscopically, we assessed presence of white starburst pattern, white areas, milky areas, and vascular structures as glomerular, hairpin, linear etc. Statistical analysis was performed with SPSS. P<0.05 was considered statistically significant.
According to histopathology, our sample consisted of atrophic AK (N=3), intermediate AK (N=19), bowenoid AK (N=3) and SCC in situ (N=4). Amorphous masses were present in 72.4% (N=21) of cases. Patient age was not significantly higher in the group with amorphous mases than without this histologic feature (79.0 vs 75.5 years respectively, p=0.15, t-test for equality of means). We identified no clinical signs that were more common in cases with amorphous masses. Nevertheless, in our sample all except one dermatoscopically classical AK had amorphous masses (92.3%) in comparison with nine (56.2%) lesions in AK/SCC group that had dermatoscopically suspicious features (p=0.044, Ficher’s Exact test). Three of seven Bowenoid AK or SCC in situ lesions (42.9%) did not have amorphous mases.
This study shows an interesting finding that presence of amorphous masses is more common in dermatoscopically classical AK in comparison to more advanced lesions. This supports the association of cumulative sun damage and AK and leaves space for other additional mechanisms needed for progression after certain threshold of UV damage is acquired.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 2023
EventEuropean Academy Of Dermatology And Venereology Congress 2023 - zoom, Berlin, Germany
Duration: 11 Oct 202314 Oct 2023


CongressEuropean Academy Of Dermatology And Venereology Congress 2023
Abbreviated titleEADV 2023
OtherThe EADV Congress is the annual international congress for the latest scientific advances and research in Dermatology & Venereology. Bringing together healthcare professionals, organisations and industry from around the world to maximise impact, this is your opportunity to be at the centre of dermatology and venereology research.

The diverse, interactive programme covering the full A-Z of hot topics, also includes innovative hands-on workshops, sub-specialty sessions, and industry sessions. Additionally, sessions will cover late breaking news, big data, emerging drugs and new technologies, psychodermatology and dermatology in skin of colour, adverse events in anti-cancer therapy and red flags in dermatology, latest news in STIs, amongst many other areas of interest.
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Field of Science*

  • 3.2 Clinical medicine
  • 3.3 Health sciences

Publication Type*

  • 3.4. Other publications in conference proceedings (including local)


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