Prognosis method of the risk of HIV infection for women

Translated title of the contribution: HIV inficēšanās riska prognozēšanas paņēmiens sievietēm

Jeļena Eglīte (Inventor), Diāna Kasjko (Inventor), Vladislavs Jasinskis (Inventor), Elvīra Hagina (Inventor), Inga Januškeviča (Inventor), Gunta Stūre (Inventor), Baiba Rozentāle (Inventor), Jeļena Storoženko (Inventor), Ludmila Vīksna (Inventor)

Research output: Intellectual propertyPatent


The invention relates to medicine, exactly to infectious diseases and molecular genetic investigations, it can be used to prognosticate the possible risk of HIV infection in woman. The aim is achieved due to the detection of 12 single nucleotide
polymorphisms mutations in the structure of six genes of cytokines using the appropriate gene‑specific primers.
Translated title of the contributionHIV inficēšanās riska prognozēšanas paņēmiens sievietēm
Original languageLatvian
Patent number15 235
Priority date27/10/15
Filing date27/10/15
Publication statusPublished - 20 May 2018


  • prognosticate the possible risk of HIV infection

Field of Science*

  • 3.2 Clinical medicine

Patent expiration date

  • 30.04.2022


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