“Public Administration” in the Latvian and Ukrainian Administrative and Legal Traditions

Elena Agapova, Karina Palkova

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    Public administration has been studied in this article from the position of administrative and legal science. The implementation of great contribution in the formation of “Public administration” theory by American law schools, which have provided a basis of modern scientific approaches, has been emphasised by the Author. During the analysis of Ukrainian and Latvian scientists’ approaches remarks on understanding of public administration, strong connection between administrative law and public administration has been revealed by the Authors. It has been established that both Latvian and Ukrainian administrative law scientists have similar approaches to understanding public administration. It has been identified as the form of realisation of the executive branch of governmental power. The functioning of public administration in the Republic of Latvia is based on the principles of the rule of law. The Author stresses that Ukraine, during holding on the reform of public administration, applies SIGMA recommendations (Support for Improvement in Governance and Management in Central and Eastern European Countries). The efficiency of the SIGMA programme in Ukraine has been proved, within the framework of which Ukrainian legislation has been brought into line and new laws have been adopted (the Law of Ukraine On Civil Service, the Law of Ukraine On Administrative Procedure). It is concluded that administrative law is one of the main tools through which public administration is carried out in the Republic of Latvia and Ukraine. Rakstā ir analizēts valsts pārvaldes institūts un tā kopīgās un atšķirīgās iezīmes Latvijas un Ukrainas kontekstā, veicot zinātnieku viedokļu analīzi un īpaši uzsverot lielo Amerikas Savienoto Valstu zinātnisko ieguldījumu valsts pārvaldes teorijas veidošanā, kas ir pamats mūsdienu zinātniskajām pieejām. Saskaņā ar Valsts pārvaldes iekārtas likumu Latvijā valsts pārvalde ir organizēta vienotā hierarhiskā sistēmā, un neviena iestāde vai pārvaldes amatpersona nevar atrasties ārpus šīs sistēmas. Valsts pārvaldes darbība Latvijā balstās uz likuma varas principiem. Savukārt Ukrainas pieeja valsts pārvaldes politikas īstenošanai ir atšķirīga, respektīvi, pārvaldes reformas ietvaros Ukraina īsteno SIGMA (Support for Improvement in Governance and Management) sniegtus ieteikumus, kā rezultātā Ukrainas tiesību aktos ir veiktas jaunas iestrādes un pieņemta virkne jaunu likumu, piemēram, Ukrainas likums “Par civildienestu” un Ukrainas likums “Par administratīvo procesu”. Darba nobeigumā secināts, ka, neraugoties uz valstu tiesību sistēmu atšķirībām, administratīvās tiesības ir viens no galvenajiem instrumentiem, ar kuru starpniecību Latvijas Republikā un Ukrainā tiek realizēta valsts pārvaldes funkcija.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)66-71
    Number of pages6
    Issue number2
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2020


    • public administration
    • administrative law
    • SIGMA
    • principles

    Field of Science*

    • 5.5 Law

    Publication Type*

    • 1.2. Scientific article included in INT1 or INT2 category journal of ERIH database


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