Quality of female sexual function after conventional abdominal hysterectomy - three months' observation

Ieva Briedīte, Gunta Ancāne, Irēna Rogovska, Nellija Lietuviete

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Introduction. Many medical and conservative surgical treatment options are available but still hysterectomy remains the most common gynecological procedure performed worldwide. These procedures are performed because of actual and possible malignant diseases, and benign conditions including pelvic pain, dyspareunia, uterine myomas, adenomyosis, endometriosis, and menometrorrhagia. The impact of hysterectomy on sexual function has always been a great concern to women and is a major source of preoperative anxiety. Data regarding the impact of hysterectomy on women’s sexual functioning are not clear and consistent, many women report improvement of sexual functioning after hysterectomy, which may be due to relief of symptoms, while others complain of sexual dysfunction as a result of hysterectomy. Also discussion about advantages of cervix sparing operations is still controversial. Aim of the study. Aim was to assess and compare pre- and post-operative quality of sexual life of gynecological patients undergoing planned hysterectomy, and to find out opinions of patients and their partners about expected impact of operation and changes after surgery.
Material and methods. Questionnaire method was used to survey gynecologic patients undergoing planned subtotal / total hysterectomy due to benign indication. Sexual Quality of Life Questionnaire – Female (SQoL-F) was used to assess quality of sexual life before and after surgery. Questions about other influencing factors and patients’ opinions before and after operation were added. 38 completed questionnaires were used for data analysis.
Results. Only 55% of subtotal hysterectomy group and 38.9% of total hysterectomy group told their partners completely about planned surgery. Mean period of beginning sexual activities after operation was 5.15 weeks after surgery in subtotal hysterectomy and 5.78 weeks in total hysterectomy group. SQoL-F after three months post-operation period was 6.50 points less in total hysterectomy group, which was not statistically significant. There was a slight statistically insignificant decrease of SQoL-F points within each group after three months observation period: -0.44 points in subtotal hysterectomy group and -2.47 points in total hysterectomy group. Although patients of total hysterectomy more frequently (22.2% vs. 5%) indicated negative impact on sexual function after operation, differences were not statistically significant. There were no differences in co-morbidities, concomitant medications, hormone use history and post-operative complications between groups.
Conclusions. Patients before hysterectomy are worried about possible negative impact of surgery on their sexual function, they do not talk to their partners candidly about planned surgery. There were no statistically significant changes of sexual quality of life found after subtotal and total abdominal hysterectomy operation after three months observation period.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)26-31
Number of pages6
JournalActa Chirurgica Latviensis
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 24 Nov 2014


  • sexuality, female sexual function, hysterectomy, sexual quality of life, gynecological surgery

Field of Science*

  • 3.2 Clinical medicine
  • 3.3 Health sciences

Publication Type*

  • 1.4. Reviewed scientific article published in Latvia or abroad in a scientific journal with an editorial board (including university editions)


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