Remedy for increasing mitochondrial DNA in mammalian cells

Translated title of the contribution: Līdzeklis mitohondriālās DNS daudzuma paaugstināšanai zīdītāju šūnās

Jeļena Krasiļņikova (Inventor), Gaļina Teliševa (Inventor), Elena Kistanova (Inventor), Desislava Abadjieva (Inventor), Elena Stoyanova (Inventor), Mihail Chervenkov (Inventor), Pēteris Tretjakovs (Inventor), Uldis Berķis (Inventor), Tatjana Dižbite (Inventor), Māris Lauberts (Inventor)

Research output: Intellectual propertyPatent


The invention relates to medicinal agent for increasing mitochondrial DNA in mammalian cells. The agent is diarylheptanoid
having the following structure.
Translated title of the contributionLīdzeklis mitohondriālās DNS daudzuma paaugstināšanai zīdītāju šūnās
Original languageLatvian
Patent number15451
Priority date17/07/18
Filing date17/07/18
Publication statusPublished - 20 Apr 2022


  • mitochondrial DNA

Field of Science*

  • 3.2 Clinical medicine

Patent expiration date

  • 01.02.2023


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