Roman Law Real Servitudes as Predecessors to Modern-Day Latvia’s “Ceļa servitūts” – “Servitude of Right of Way”

    Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


    To explore, consider and analyze information that can be found in the original
    sources of Roman law in relation to real servitudes as a predecessors to modern-day
    Latvia’s “Ceļa servitūts” (Latvian) – “Servitude of Right of Way”.
    Materials and Methods
    Within the framework of the research, studies and analysis of the primary sources
    of Roman Law – The Code of Justinian (Codex Iustinianus , C 3.34. tit.), The Digest
    (Digesta, D 8.1–6. tit.), The Institutes of Justinian (Iustiniani Institutiones, I 2.3. tit.)
    were performed, mostly by applying inductive, deductive and comparative methods.
    Modern-day Latvia’s “Civillikums” (Latvian) – The Civil Law of 1937 demonstrates rather direct influence of
    Roman private law.
    In accordance with Roman legal tradition, the The Civil Law speaks about “Ceļa
    servitūts” (Latvian) – “Servitude of Right of Way” by means of which rights may be
    granted: 1) to a footpath; 2) to a livestock path; and 3) to a roadway, (see: The Civil
    Law article 1156).
    It should be noted that, according to sources of Roman law, for addressing the
    needs of land-based logistics in case of rural properties (estates) (rusticorum
    praediorum), a number of real servitudes or rights could be established: servitude of
    path (iter), servitude of (cattle) driving (actus), servitude of way / road (via) (see I, D 8.3.1. pr., D 8.3.12, D etc.)
    The legal regulation of the establishment, use and termination of real servitudes
    (easements) established in Roman law has conceptually preserved its essence and
    content up to the present day and paradoxically still has not lost its relevance. In any
    case, modern legal norms are much better understood by being aware of and
    understanding the Ancient Roman origins of the legal ideas contained in them.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 2023
    EventRīga Stradiņš University 3rd International Interdisciplinary Conference PLACES - Riga Stradins Unicersity, Rīga, Latvia
    Duration: 29 Mar 202331 Mar 2023
    Conference number: 3


    ConferenceRīga Stradiņš University 3rd International Interdisciplinary Conference PLACES
    Internet address

    Field of Science*

    • 5.5 Law

    Publication Type*

    • 3.4. Other publications in conference proceedings (including local)


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