Aleksandrs Okss, Aleksejs Katashevs (Corresponding Author), Pēteris Eizentāls, Guna Semjonova

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review

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of research
Modern healthcare meets numerous challenges because of
demographic pressure and increased demand for life-long
medical service. One of potential solutions lies in homecare,
that, in turn, relies on individualized wearable devices.
Blooming development in communication technologies enables
rapid development of various wearable health monitoring and
treatment applications. Smart textile technologies, in turn,
promise various solutions that may provide sensors to be
integrated in patient clothes, hereby increasing useability of the
devices, and lowering costs.
Aim The present report reviews recent advances in the development
of smart textile solution for wearable medical applications.
Novelty The review covers more than six-year experience by the authors
in a field of smart textile sensors.
Main results The report reviews applications of knitted resistive textile
strain and stress sensors for the applications in healthcare and
sports medicine. Examples include smart socks for gait analysis
and plantar pressure measurements, T-shirts for posture and
breathing monitoring, smart pads for monitoring of unconscious
motions and assessment of balance while sitting, etc., both
developed by authors and found in literature. Perspectives of
smart garment applications for gamification in rehabilitation
are discussed. Alongside with advantages of textile sensors, the
review analyses main metrological problems, impeding broad
use of such sensors: hysteresis, dynamic artefacts, limited
Conclusion Smart textile sensors have been intensively studied in recent
years as a technology for the design of wearable healthcare
applications. Still, the use of smart textile sensors is limited by
both technological and metrological restrictions. The future
development could be targeted to the development of data
processing methods, that help cope with non-idealities of smart
textile sensors signals.


Conference19th Nordic-Baltic Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics
Abbreviated titleNBC 2023
Other19. Ziemeļvalstu un Baltijas Biomedicīnas inženierzinātņu un medicīnas fizikas konference
Internet address


  • Smart textile
  • textile sensors
  • rehabilitation
  • wearables

Field of Science*

  • 3.3 Health sciences
  • 3.4 Medical biotechnology

Publication Type*

  • 3.4. Other publications in conference proceedings (including local)


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