The Kremlin’s Secret Weapon: How Russian Private Military Companies Are Expanding Moscow’s Influence Abroad

Giga Abuseridze (Corresponding Author), Olena Agapova, Vladas Tumalavicius

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


Over the previous decade, Russian private military companies (PMCs) have emerged as instruments of warfare and propaganda. This matter has garnered substantial attention, particularly following Russia’s annexation of Ukraine, although it had already been a topic of interest among academics, experts, and the media before that. This article delves into the correlation between the Russian government and private military companies within the framework of their escalating deployment as instruments of warfare and propaganda. The authors undertake a case study examining the actions of Russian PMCs and put forth a coordinated international agenda aimed at fortifying national autonomy, tranquility, and steadiness. The study underscores the imperative for international cooperation in tackling the perils and predicaments associated with the utilization of PMCs in contemporary warfare and political manipulation. The findings indicate that the Russian state is increasingly reliant on PMCs as instruments of warfare and propaganda, especially in its endeavors in Ukraine and Syria. The authors assert that the utilization of PMCs has the potential to erode national sovereignty and stability and advocate for international measures to alleviate these risks. In essence, the paper provides valuable insights into the mounting influence of Private Military Companies on global security and international relations. This information is of considerable worth to policymakers, scholars, and other stakeholders seeking to grasp and respond to the evolving role of PMCs in the contemporary world.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationIntegrated Computer Technologies in Mechanical Engineering - 2023 - Synergetic Engineering
EditorsMykola Nechyporuk, Volodymir Pavlikov, Dmytro Krytskyi
Number of pages14
Volume2: Synergetic Engineering
ISBN (Print)9783031605482
Publication statusPublished - 2024
EventConference on Integrated Computer Technologies in Mechanical Engineering–Synergetic Engineering, ICTM 2023 - 17 Chkalova str., Kharkiv, Ukraine
Duration: 27 Dec 202329 Dec 2023

Publication series

NameLecture Notes in Networks and Systems
Volume996 LNNS
ISSN (Print)2367-3370
ISSN (Electronic)2367-3389


ConferenceConference on Integrated Computer Technologies in Mechanical Engineering–Synergetic Engineering, ICTM 2023
Internet address


  • impact of sanctions
  • Kremlin influence abroad
  • Russian private military companies

Field of Science*

  • 5.5 Law
  • 1.2 Computer and information sciences

Publication Type*

  • 3.1. Articles or chapters in proceedings/scientific books indexed in Web of Science and/or Scopus database


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