Transformation of Georgia's Trade Policy Strategy: From Frailty to Sustainability

Giga Abuseridze, Mariana Petrova, Vitolds Zahars, Vladas Tumalavičius

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The following article reviews the trade policies and practices of Georgia as well as Georgia-WTO relationship. The
authors focus on Georgia’s recent economic performance, including Association Agreement (AA) with the European
Union that contributed powerfully to stabilising Georgia's trade legislation and reinforcing domestic economic reform.
The Association Agreement between Georgia and the European Union and its member States aims at Georgia's gradual
economic integration into the EU Internal Market, through the establishment of the DCFTA, which should provide for
far-reaching market access based on sustained and regulatory approximation.
The study reveals the importance of the World Trade Organization, main trade agreements and arrangements with
Georgia as a developing country. It demonstrates that effective trade stabilization in the WTO can be achieved by the
implementation of specific WTO’s regulations on trade, economic and legal spheres.
One of the reasons for the special success of the WTO is systemic exceptions for developed countries and states with
special needs (country like Georgia) that contributes to the development of international trade through progressive
liberalization and the comparative advantage of the states when carrying out trade.
The example of Georgia shows very well that so far the country has not been able to actively apply all the advantages
that can be used within the framework of international or regional organizations, at least for the simple reason that the
country does not possess the appropriate infrastructure for bringing innovative products to foreign markets, and thus
accumulate more economic wealth.
This case study evidences and confirms that while the accession process to the WTO is challenging per se, it is part of a
process of domestic reforms that triggers growth and economic benefits.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)43-52
Number of pages10
JournalAccess-access to Science Business Innovation in the Digital Economy
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2022


  • Association Agreement
  • Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement
  • European Union
  • Foreign Direct Investment
  • World Trade Organization

Field of Science*

  • 5.2 Economy and Business

Publication Type*

  • 1.1. Scientific article indexed in Web of Science and/or Scopus database


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