Mūsdienu sabiedrības izteikto globalizācijas procesu ietekmē ir vērojama ne tikai strauja moderno tehnoloģiju attīstība, komunikatīvo sistēmu sfēru paplašināšanās, informācijas kā kapitāla lomas pieaugums, brīva un masveidīga cilvēku pārvietošanās pāri robežām un kontinentiem, bet arī sociāli nelabvēlīgo parādību eskalācija: pieaug terorisma akti un to draudi, ierastas kļūst hibrīdkara elementu izpausmes, nostiprinās transnacionālās organizētās noziedzīgās grupas, kuras veido un efektīvi izmanto starptautiskās kriminālā tīkla struktūras. Transnational organised crime is a major threat to global security and can cause significant social and economic damage. Prevention efforts need to be increased in order to encompass this phenomenon. Transnational organised crime benefits from certain legal loopholes, and law enforcement agencies have a difficulty in reacting quickly to criminal businesses which use very sophisticated methods to conceal their activities and the proceeds of their crimes, and take advantage of globalisation and the use of information and communication technologies. Through pyramidal structures, transnational organised crime has evolved to networks of cells with continuously changing partners and even locations. As organised criminals take advantage of the advances in ICTs and become ever defter in their methods, and with law enforcement authorities increasingly in need of additional resources, administrative synergies emerge as a natural and cost-efficient extension of the powers that counter organised crime.
Translated title of the contribution | Transnational Organised Criminal Groups in International Criminal Network Structure Context |
Original language | Latvian |
Pages (from-to) | 5-14 |
Number of pages | 10 |
Journal | Socrates |
Volume | 3 |
Issue number | 3 |
DOIs | |
Publication status | Published - 2015 |
- globalisation
- criminological research
- transnational crime
- transnational organised group
- international criminal networks
Field of Science*
- 5.5 Law
Publication Type*
- 1.2. Scientific article included in INT1 or INT2 category journal of ERIH database