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Keywords. Simulation-based learning; Umbilical vein catheterization Introduction. Umbilical vein catheterization may be a life-saving procedure in neonates who require vascular access and resuscitation. To safely perform manipulation, not only theoretical training is necessary, but also manipulation training on a task trainer. Manufactured task trainers are expensive. So medical students, to master the manipulation, create impromptu task trainers, which do not reflect real anatomy accurately. The purpose of the work was to create an open-source 3D model of the umbilical vein catheterization simulator, so that anyone with the ability to 3D print and work with silicone could make high-quality umbilical vein catheterization task trainers for workshops, thereby increasing quality of performed manipulation and patient safety. Case Description. Hospital workers whose competence includes umbilical vein catheterization were interviewed to find out the dimensions and functions of the model. In the open-source 3D modeling software, according to the specifications, a 5-part task trainer was created. The model was a mold for pouring silicone, from which the abdominal region and a 10 cm umbilical cord with two arteries and one vein were obtained. After printing the model, white (umbilical cord) and pink (skin) silicone was poured into the mold. After the silicone hardened, the simulator was removed from the mold, the umbilical cord of the simulator was clipped with a real umbilical cord clip to increase fidelity of the task trainer. Summary. Task trainer has been published to the public access, it can be recreated by anyone, and using it, it is possible to demonstrate and train all the stages of placing an umbilical vein catheter. Doctors and nurses involved in testing recognized high fidelity and functionality of the task trainer. Conclusions. The development and publication in open access easy-to-manufacture and cheap-toproduce simulators makes the training of medical manipulations more accessible, which positively affects the professionalism of medical workers.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)47
Number of pages1
JournalMedicina (Kaunas)
Issue numberSuppl.2
Publication statusPublished - 2023
EventRSU Research Week 2023: Research Week 2023 Rīga Stradiņš University - Riga Stradins University, Riga, Latvia
Duration: 27 Mar 202331 Mar 2023

Field of Science*

  • 3.2 Clinical medicine

Publication Type*

  • 3.4. Other publications in conference proceedings (including local)


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