Urīna nesaturēšana pirmajos mēnešos pēc smadzeņu infarkta

Translated title of the contribution: Post-Stroke Urinary Incontinence Few Months After Acute Phase

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


Introduction. Urinary incontinence can affect 40–60% of stroke patients during acute hospitaliza-
tion, with 25% still having problems on hospital discharge and remaining incontinent at one year. But the incidence and prevalence of different clinical types of urinary incontinence are still unclear, which makes it difficult to create particular guidelines for routine evaluation, treatment and prognosis.
objectives of the study. to investigate the frequency, clinical types of urinary incontinence and
relationship between functional recovery for patients with urinary incontinence and without urinary incontinence 3 months after stroke.
Matherial and methods. Patients after stroke with urinary incontinence admitted in Stroke unit
of Clinical hospital Gailezers and 3 months later in Rehabilitation Centre Vaivari(outpatient and inpa-tient departaments) were included in the study. they were assessed by questionnaire about premorbid activities of daily living, mental functioning, comorbidities, previous and actual micturition symptoms, stroke syndromes, medication use, poststroke mobility (Rivermead Mobility Index), disability (Barthel Index), and cognition (MMSE), urine analysis (leucocyte and nitrite test). SPSS software was used for data analysis.
Results. From 180 patients after stroke (female/male 78/102) enrolled in investigation 6.5% patients
had preexisting urinary incontinence (stress / urgency), 64% developed new symptoms. 149 patients had ishemic stroke and 31 had hemorrhagic stroke. there were three types of urinary incontinence: urge, urinary incontinence with impaired awareness and mixed (urge and functional urinary inconti-nence). 16 patients had urinary retention and long-term catheterization (postvoiding residual volume was 150 ml and more). Stroke increased preexisting urinary incontinence simptoms (their frequency).
Patients with low Barthel Index presented a higher incidence of urinary incontinence. Cognition distur-
bance had a negative effect on urinary incontinence. three months after the stroke urinary incontinence had decreased to 35%. Cognitive and motor functions were significantly related to urinary incontinence.
Conclusion. the incidence of post-stroke urinary incontinence was significantly increased in
patients older than 75 years. Age, functional and cognitive factors were related to incontinence.
Translated title of the contributionPost-Stroke Urinary Incontinence Few Months After Acute Phase
Original languageLatvian
Title of host publicationZinātniskie raksti
Subtitle of host publication2010.g. medicīnas nozares pētnieciskā darba publikācijas: Internā medicīna. Ķirurģija. Medicīnas bāzes zinātnes. Stomatoloģija. Farmācija
EditorsI. Ozolanta
Place of PublicationRīga
PublisherRīgas Stradiņa universitāte
ISBN (Print)978-9984-788-78-4
Publication statusPublished - 2011
EventRSU Research Conference, 2010 - Riga Stradins University, Riga, Latvia
Duration: 18 Mar 201019 Mar 2010


ConferenceRSU Research Conference, 2010

Field of Science*

  • 3.2 Clinical medicine
  • 3.1 Basic medicine

Publication Type*

  • 3.2. Articles or chapters in other proceedings other than those included in 3.1., with an ISBN or ISSN code


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