Water-soluble gel system with sapropel extract and the method of its preparation

Translated title of the contribution: Sapropeļa ekstrakta ūdenī šķīstošs gels un tā iegūšanas paņēmiens

Alise Silova (Inventor), Linda Dobkevica (Inventor), Agris Auce (Inventor), Aneka Kļaviņa (Inventor), Ivars Vanadziņš (Inventor), Ilona Pavlovska (Inventor), Laura Komarovska (Inventor), Baiba Silamiķele (Inventor)

Research output: Intellectual propertyPatent


The invention refers to the pharmaceutical, biotechnology and medical area
and links to the use of sapropel extract in water for the preparation of gel for skin application. The composition and method of preparation
of the water‑soluble sapropel extract gel is proposed. The composition
contains the sapropel extract in a liquid form, carboxymethyl cellulose sodium salt, glycerol solution, ethanol water solution, structure stabilizer, eucalyptus oil and water.Preparation includes mixing and homogenization of the ingredients
under specific conditions. The resulting gel has skin moisturizing, anti‑inflammatory and regeneration‑enhancing properties; it can be used in medicine and skincare, as well as for the preparation of other cosmetic
Translated title of the contributionSapropeļa ekstrakta ūdenī šķīstošs gels un tā iegūšanas paņēmiens
Original languageLatvian
Patent number15514
IPCA61Q 19/00 ,A61K8/02
Priority date26/11/19
Filing date26/11/19
Publication statusPublished - 20 May 2022


  • Water-soluble gel system with sapropel extract

Field of Science*

  • 3.1 Basic medicine

Patent expiration date

  • 30.11.2039


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